Her background includes a degree in Cultural Dramaturgy with focus on theatre from Silesian University in Opava and studies in Directing and Dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. She is the author of radio plays and theater adaptations and has collaborated on several theatre productions.
For Orbis Pictures, she participated in the filming of the series "Lajna 3" (Line 3), "Co ste hasiči 2" (Firefighters 2), and as a production manager on the films "Krvavý Johann" (Bloody Johann), "Jak přežít svého muže" (How to Survive Your Love), and the documentary series "Kočka není pes" (A Cat is Not a Dog). She primarily focuses on production, dramaturgy, product placement, and marketing.
TV Series
Line 3
Firefighters 2
Bloody Johann
How to Survive Your Love
Documentary Series
A Cat is Not a Dog
Contact email: tereza.krejcova@orbispictures.cz